Disability Insurance - People do get disabled, loss of income but cost of living, any Solution?

Disability Income Insurance 

If your job is high risk, involves motorcycle and machinery, travel a lot, or age is catching up and above 40 years old. Do look into disability insurance. Why? Being disable, financial impact comes in 3 blows.

1. You lose income.
2. Expenses will still be an issue.
3. Someone has to take care of the disable, this person will either be your loved one or a nurse. You can choose to free your loved ones by claiming from disability Insurance. Let them work and you can hire a home caregiver as they are professionals with proper planning and training.

Disability income insurance pays a fixed amount each month to replace the income you would lose if you are unable to work as a result of an accident or illness. These regular paid out can also be used for home care services so that your loved ones can continue to work. These policies may pay up to 80% of your average monthly salary. The policy aims to ease your financial loss, but will not completely replace the income you earned before the accident or illness. 
Financial loss plus monthly expenses is a double blow to your savings and lifestyle. do take it seriously. If you are above 40 yrs old you can use your medisave to pay for the premiums, most times there is no cash outlay.
Contact us,
+6593633348 Wassap, sms  or Line.

Do note that:
  • The monthly income benefit will usually be paid for up to 5 or 10 years, or until you are 60 or 65.

  • The monthly payments are stopped or reduced when you start working again, even if it’s not the same work that you did before your illness or accident. The reduction in benefits may be in proportion to any recovery you make. The insurer will assess your rate of recovery through medical check-ups.

  • Clarify with your insurer how disability is defined in the policy. Some policies may define disability as not being able to perform your usual work. Others may define it as not being able to do any work at all. The amount of premium payable can vary depending on a number of factors, including the definition used. Do check with your insurer for the definitions used in your policy.


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