Insurance - Real life example, Is this you?

My clients are a wide bunch of nice people. However they do share some similarities. There are the lucky and unlucky ones. 

Client A, 

Her Mother (72) was never ever insured for hospitalization. It may sound unbelievable, but it was something that the family never thought of. It never occur to people that when their loved ones are admitted to hospital, they will most likely pay for the bill. 

How did she figure that out eventually? Because she let me in her life professionally. I would agree that she may have her share of bad experience with Insurance agents and she was really working hard her whole life but meeting the right adviser that can plan and advise your shortfall is something everyone should have. Not only a professional financial adviser, doctors, accountant, lawyers as well. You will benefit form it. 

I have since improved on her finances by recommending some cost savings and low risk investment product to earn her more than 4% interest for her savings.

Client B,

This client was under an impression that the coverage provided by the employer/company was adequate. Company meaning any organization that provide you Insurance. I pointed out that certain group term insurance are owned by the issuer. Meaning you don't own it, you are just given coverage(with conditions). Why is this important? Imagine staying in a house that you thought you own but it belongs to the company, feel the difference? The problem of death and illness is not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. He has since took charge of the future problem with a life insurance protection. 

Client C,

This couple bought a condo, very well informed. Wanted exactly a mortgage insurance. I brought them 3 Insurers to compare. They didn't choose the cheapest, they wanted in their opinion the best insurer.

Friend of a client,

1 year ago, someone was told by my friend to get covered for medishield. He was 48 years old, worked for the same company all his life. This company actually gave super good medical benefit. Hence most of the employees never thought about Insurance. Fast forward a year, Doctor diagnose Lung cancer late stage. 6 months to live. 

Everyone was really sad. The doctor told him immediately, "you cannot work". The company paid the medical bills per terms of employment and finally he had to leave the company. He did not have life insurance. The only thing he had to fall back on was the medishield that cost a few hundred dollars my friend recommended him. If you can pay the doctor, you will get a fighting chance. Ultimately he didn't have to touch his savings as the insurance paid for the chemo treatment. He is living behind his hard earn cash to his wife. 

I deal with certainty of things, have you covered all angles in your planning? If there is some doubt, it will not be proper. Call me or fill up the form below and give me a chance to asses, it is free after all. Gilbert +65 93633348.


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